INDOT Documentation/ State Byway Development

Angola Downtown Streetscape Enhancement Section 106 Documentation
One of the more remarkable public squares in Indiana is located in Angola, in Northeast Indiana, at the crossing of two state highways, US 20 and State Road 127. Rather than positioning the Steuben County Courthouse in the center of the public square, city founders retained its open nature until a war memorial was placed at its center in 1917; the cost of which would exceed $1 million in today’s dollars.
Project Details
Service Historical Investigation
Indiana Department of Transportation: Reconstruction & Enhancement Project
Section 106 Environmental Review & Project Mitigation
Location Angola, IN
Date 2009-2010

Congestion on the highways entering the square, forming a roundabout encircling the monument, pushed the city to develop plans for streetscape improvements that included pedestrian safety zones demarked by landscape barriers, bollards and street trees.
KW Garner was contracted to list the downtown district and square to the National Register, as part of mitigation of the overall plan, and then was contracted to complete an impact study for the historic resources and district lining the corridor for which street improvements would occur. These requirements are under the Federal Highway Administration’s Environmental Review policy establishing Section 106-impact on historic properties. The National Register nomination and Section 106 process were completed in 2009.